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Exercise Physiology vs. Physical Therapist?

Question by ohitsjujubean22: exercise physiology vs. Physical Therapist?
so i am a freshman right now in college and i am majoring in exercise physiology.. I was researching what i can do this degree and it said “exercise specialist in cardic rehab” then i looked at PT and it said i can get a job in very different fields like orthapedic, geriatric, and cardiovascular and pulmonary rehab. My question is if i wanted to work in a hospital helping patients get up to speed after a heart attack or surgery which degree should i get? also i would like to do some personal training on the side though becuase i love exercising and keeping healthy but i also love helping people, esp old whats your advise?

Best answer:

Answer by Kendall Sylvan
My advice is to ask the question in a section other than martial arts.

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Exercise Rehab – for more. Many of us have not just eating disorders, but various forms of exercise disorders as well. Moving the human body is a natural thing that is often obscured by human emotion and past negative associations built around exercise.


Exercise important at any age

Filed under: exercise rehab

“I found myself in physical rehab a lot. I call one knee 'Peter' and the other one “Paul.' Peter gives me trouble. Paul acts like nothing's happened. Back in January, I had microscopic surgery on “Peter' to remove scar tissues,” Stoyka said.
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Physical Therapy of the Four-Legged Variety

Filed under: exercise rehab

In the video above, Judy Coates (SED'74,'81, SAR'86) demonstrates her work as a certified canine rehabilitation therapist. Photos by Melody Komyerov Omo walks like John Wayne. The honey-colored dog's right hind leg kicks out to the side as he shuffles …
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